Adding dynamic titles to the blog

Title Component

The Title component is a customizable header that displays a changing text when a user hovers over it. This component is built with preact/hooks, Button component from ../components/Button.tsx, and Handlers and PageProps from $fresh/server.ts.


The Title component accepts the following props:

  • iteration (number): an integer indicating the starting iteration for the changing text.
  • title (string): the initial text to display in the header.
  • display_text (string, optional): the text to display in the header when a user is not hovering over it. If this prop is not provided, the title prop will be converted to uppercase and used as the display_text.


The Title component creates a header containing the display_text state variable. When a user hovers over the header, the handleMouseOver function is called. This function sets up an interval that updates the display_text state variable every 60 milliseconds to create a changing text effect. The changing text starts at the beginning of the title prop and replaces each subsequent letter with a randomly selected letter from the alphabet array until the entire title prop is displayed. Then, the changing text starts again from the beginning of the title prop.


To use the Title component, import it into your project and include it in your code like this:

import Title from "path/to/Title.tsx";

function MyPage(props: PageProps & Handlers) {
  return (
      <Title iteration={0} title="My Title" />

In this example, the Title component is rendered with iteration set to 0 and title set to "My Title". The display_text prop is not provided, so the header will display "MY TITLE" when a user is not hovering over it.